What I Wish Everyone Knew About Interior Designing.
Optimal use of available space under the proper guidance of a professional interior designer becomes a reality. Most of us have a misconception that interior design requires a larger space for it to be a success. However, this is not true, since interior design can be applied to homes of all sizes with a set budget range. Let’s begin by first understanding what interior design includes and how it is different from interior decoration.
People often think that interior design and interior decoration is the same always, but in fact, they are not the same and are different in terms of the functional areas that each of them covers. The interior design process involves spatial planning, interior renovation, drawing, working closely with architects, electricians, plumbers, etc. in order to provide a safe and secure location that is visually appealing to the eyes simultaneously. While interior decorating basically refers to decorating space that includes selecting a color scheme, buying the desired upholstery and accessories, etc.
Essentially, there are seven interior design elements viz. Space, texture, light, shape, line, color and pattern. Let’s look at each of them:
1. Space
Space is the basic element of interior design that generally includes floors, doors, and windows, walls, roof and support structure like beams.
2. Texture
The best way to give a space an interesting look is to take care of the texture that includes upholstery, fabrics, wallpapers, carpets, cushions, etc. It also helps to find a balance in a space, for example, rough surfaces helps to balance the Natural light in a bright room where as smooth and bright surfaces can be used to balance light in a dark room.
3. Light
The only element we are all aware of making use of it day and night is light. In addition to the natural light that impacts the way we see things around us, there are artificial lighting options, for example, task lights and accent lights that can be creatively used to establish the appearance of a space while Solve different purposes at the same time. It can also be used to strengthen a work of art in a room.
4. Color
Different colors give a different meaning to space and set a different mood. They can transform a monotonous and boring room into an exciting one with vibrant colors or one that provides tranquillity to the mind with neutral colors. Colors also influence the way we look at a space, for example, light colors tend to make a small space look even bigger and dark colors tend to make the big space look smaller.
5. Form
The shape is another essential and significant element of interior design. Includes space shape, objects and cushioning. In order to avoid confusion, several forms should not be incorporated into a room.
6. Line
The structural design and the furnishing of a room create the sixth element of the interior design, that is, the line. Sets the shape and shape of a room. Lines are broadly classified into horizontal, vertical, diagonal and curved lines. Most of the upholstery, media centers, and shelves etc. Fall into the category of horizontal lines as windows, doors, curtains, and columns add to vertical lines. Vertical lines make a room look taller than it actually is. Diagonal lines are used to add drama to space while curved lines strike a balance with horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines giving a smooth look.
7. Patterns
Patterns are nothing more than repeated designs on paintings, wallpaper, carpets, fabrics, etc. The only purpose of the bosses is to make space come alive and add interest to it.
In addition to the seven elements, there are seven interior design principles that a good interior designer should apply in order to avoid costly mistakes and get that flawless look from your home.
The seven principles of interior design are considered below:
1. unity
Unity, continuity and harmony trio is crucial in connecting all the interiors of the different spaces in a home. Moving from one space to another should not make you feel that he/she has entered the different zone completely. In order to give an integrated attraction to a home, all spaces must be unified.
2. Balance
Balance in interior design refers to the placement of objects in such a way as to create a visual balance.
3. Rhythm
The rhythm is formed by creating recurring patterns and design of a space. It includes repetition, improvement, and transformation of design elements throughout the space.
4. Contrast
The contrast in how to use available space, shape, and color creates a long-lasting visual impact on the viewer’s mind.
5. Emphasis
As its name suggests, the emphasis is the accentuated part or focal point of a space. Elements of interior designs such as color, shape, and texture are used to a great extent in order to emphasize the center point or object.
6. Scale and Proportion
The small size upholstery in a large room or vice versa tells us about the inappropriate scale of objects while the proportion refers to the size of an object in relation to the size of another object in a space.
7. Details
Add personality to your home by doing some detailed work apart from accessorizing your room as adding a crystal chandelier, plug covers, etc.
Incorporating interior design elements and following the interior design principles mentioned above ensures unprecedented results taking care of functional aspects according to customer specifications and financial plans. Whether you do it yourself or do it through professionals, interior design contributes so much to the functional and aesthetic aspects of a space.
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