16 Feb 2023
Vikas Upadhyay
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The Best Air-Purifying Plants to Add in Your Home

5+ Air Purifying Indoor Plants

According to the Clear Air Study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA), it was proved that air purifying plants are a luxury but also a necessity for household owners. As per the study by Dr BC Wolverton, it was found that plants are efficient in taking out ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde from the home and provide clear and fresh air required for the human body’s consumption.

And, in today’s time, indoor plants have become the latest trend everywhere. Several reports have suggested that keeping one plant in every hundred square feet of your home keeps the air clean. Therefore, to give your home a healthy breath of fresh and happy air, here is the list of top air-purifying indoor plants to add to your home.

5+ Air Purifying Indoor Plants

 Together with the team of interior designers in Bangalore, here is a list of some best air-cleaning indoor plants to fight all the toxins, germ particles, and dust to release pure and fresh air in the home. Read further to know more about them.

1. Peace Lily

The peace lily is one of the ideal purifying indoor plants to clear out toxins from the air. The indoor plant is perfect if you want a pretty plant to keep in your bedroom. The plant enhances your sleep and clears ethyl chloride and benzene.

Therefore, if you want to add peace lilies in your home then keep it in an area with a bit of sunlight and a place with low maintenance. It means you can simply keep them on the windowsill or any area of your home with adequate sunlight.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is an indoor plant that is known for both its medicinal value and health benefits. The air-cleaning plant is great for your home as they predict the air quality indoors through the brown spots on the leaves. Aloe Vera helps in combating airborne particles of ammonia and formaldehyde as well as germs.

Wish to add Aloe Vera to your home indoors? Then, you can design a kitchen area that lets you have some space for growing Aloe Vera or you can use it as a ceiling-hung planter to beautify the balcony look.

3. Weeping Figs

Weeping figs is an antifungal and antibacterial air cleaning plant that can be kept at home indoors to bring down the level of toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde in your place. You can keep it in the living area or porch as its beautiful foliage will appeal to visitors.

It is an Instagram-worthy indoor plant that comes straight out of the Victorian age and also works as a decorative option for your home. Without any delay, buy some online and bring them home as the indoor plant requires low maintenance.

4. Snake Plant

If you are someone who needs uninterrupted sleep, then it is a good idea to bring a snake plant to your home. Also, recognized as the ‘Mother-in-law’s tongue’, it is a top air purifying plant that lets out oxygen and provides a calming sleep. It perfectly filters benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene from the air.

Therefore, to add snake plants to your home, you can place them in a tall planter with good seepage as these plants require less amount of water and can be watered once a week.

5. Pothos

Want a classy air-purifying indoor plant for your home, consider adding pothos.  The overall foliage of the plant includes glossy and smooth heart-shaped leaves and it also cleans up toxins like benzene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. Pothos is also a beautiful air-purifying indoor plant as it removes odor and aggravates eye irritation.

Pothos are easy to propagate water as they can easily cut down the stalk and place it in a glass jar. You can also add the indoor plant in clay pots if you do not want to choose water propagation.

6. Rubber Plant

A rubber plant is a vibrant, hard, and beautiful indoor plant that makes your home look beautiful. The plant is also known as ficus elastica. Rubber plants grow in direct sunlight and require minimal water, so they can be kept in your balcony area.

The leaves of the rubber plant are dark brown in color, soft and delicate on your hands. If you plant it in your home, make sure to clean the leaves regularly to give it a polished look and feel to it.

The Final Words

Now that you have the list of top air-purifying plants for your home, start shopping for them online. Pick the one that suits your home style as these indoor plants are considered the keeper of a rejuvenating and thriving space. And, if you are not able to find the plants that you want to keep in your home, then feel free to contact the home interior designers in Bangalore and get the right recommendations on where to buy the indoor plants.


The quality of air around us is all-time low and this leads to high sales of air purifiers. So, if you also want to get an air purifier for your home, then you can try the natural alternative first. Yes, air-purifying plants are the best and cheap way to keep the air inside your home fresh and clean. They also add good aesthetics to your home.